Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"Cry Baby Bitches !" A poem about Cardinal fans

I sit and weep because I care
I sit and weep because it's not fair

I sit and weep because of the lack of gold gloves
I sit and weep because Pujols, Molina, and Rolen get no love

I sit and weep because Derrek Lee won
I sit and weep because Jim Edmunds is over the hill and done

I sit and weep because Wrigley Field is the better park
I sit and weep because all we have is a stupid Arch

I sit and weep because of Jason Marquis
I sit and weep because we gave him away for free

I sit and weep because of Ted Lilly
I sit and weep because he almost had more wins than our numbers 2 and 3

I sit and weep because of Sweet Lou
I sit and weep because of what he can do

I sit and weep because of Walt
I sit and weep because it wasn't his fault

I sit and weep because I can
I sit and weep because I am a CARDINALS FAN !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sit and I weep from the very beginning.
I sit and I weep cause i know if we are losing, you'd leave by the 3rd inning.